Sunday 17 June 2007

Preparing for Swedish Midsummer

Friday is Swedish Midsummer, and in Sweden this is generally time for great merriment and another chance to eat herring and traditional Swedish foods. But, since the Swedes are not going to Stockholm this year, we are having a Midsummer's party at our place on Saturday. I also now have a fridge full of Gradvalax, three different types of Herring, fish roe paste and Swedish cheese (which is similar to cheddar). I have offered to make the meatballs, which is simple enough. Then there is sallss (salad), “prince sausages”, braised cabbage (“rödkål” in Swedish) and a Sardine and potato bake, which is similar to Potato Gratin. Apparently it’s just cream, milk, Swedish-style sardines, onions, potatoes and butter. Interesting combination.

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