Friday 15 June 2007

Comfort Food

I've finally got (some of) my taste buds back after a nasty spell of the flu, but have yet to find the energy to cook up a big meal.

My comfort food:
Thr0w diced sweet potato into a pan of olive oil. Season with paprika, cayenne pepper, sea salt, black pepper and basil. Fry the sweet potato. Slice a courgette into thin strips, and add to the sweet potato along with a cup of cooked aduki beans. Simmer for a few minutes - the courgettes should be just cooked through. Remove from heat, add some feta cheese and serve with couscous. Season with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

A few weeks ago I was craving mash - another comfort food. However, I wanted something a bit healthier than just mashed potatoes (carbs in the evening is not a good thing unless you have a workout planned the next day!). I combined the mashed potato with mashed butter beans. To that I added steamed petit pois and sautéed leeks. I can’t remember what I served the delicious mash with, it obviously wasn’t anywhere nearly as good as the butter bean and potato mash.

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