Wednesday 26 November 2008

Dinner at Eaglevlei, Stellenbosh

I was in Cape Town recently, and had the opportunity to attend a 4 course dinner & wine tasting at Eaglevlei Wine Estate in Stellenbosh. The food was pretty delicious, and with 2 wines to match each course, plus the wine makers from both Eaglevlei and the neighbouring wine estate on hand to offer their comments on the wine before each course, it was a fantastic experience. (Warning: photos aren't great!)

Watercress salad with roasted beetroot, goats cheese grapefruit & pomegranate seeds.

Was feeling a bit under the weather, so when deciding what to cook for dinner last night, I decided I needed some superfoods.

Watercress salad with roasted beetroot, goats cheese grapefruit & pomegranate seeds.

Clean a bunch of beetroot and cut into cubes. Season with sea salt, black pepper & fresh thyme. Coat with olive oil, and roast in the oven.

Take a healthy bunch of washed watercress and lay on a flat platter. Let the beetroot cool slightly before putting onto the watercress. Dot the goats cheese over the beetroot - best to use is the soft, creamy goats cheese & not the one with the rind as the flavour will overpower the salad.

Remove the seeds from a pomegranate and in a bowl, combine with the flesh from a red grape fruit which has been cut into rough 1 cm cubes. Take this mixture and put on top of the salad. Sprinkle with some toasted seeds and sprinkle with walnut oil.

I served this with a nice rare rib-eye steak, as the pepperyness from the watercress and the flavours nicely complemented the steak.